2175 Seipstown Road Fogelsville, PA 18051 | 610-285-6660
Weisenberg Township
Weisenberg Township
Weisenberg Township
Weisenberg Township
Weisenberg Township
Weisenberg Township
Weisenberg Township
Weisenberg Township
Weisenberg Township

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Welcome to Weisenberg Township

Weisenberg Township Located in beautiful Northwestern Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Weisenberg Township is 26.8 square miles of mostly rural, rolling hills. Established in 1753, Weisenberg is now home to some 5,000 residents. The Township is bordered by Upper Macungie to the South, Lowhill to the East, Lynn to the North and Berks County to the West. More than 25% of the Township is comprised of preserved farmland and protected open space. Except for the homes near the Southeastern corner of the Township, most homes are on lots of 1 acre or greater with on-lot well & septic. The Township also has a growing number of businesses that operate manufacturing and distribution facilities along its I-78 corridor.

We invite you to browse our website to learn more about the Township and hope that you find the content helpful and informative. If you have any questions or require additional assistance please contact us during normal business hours, Monday through Thursday, between 7:30 am & 5:30 pm or attend a public meeting.

Weisenberg Township at a Glance

Information taken from the United States 2020 census and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Statistics listed below are rounded to the nearest integer.

70 4976 Population
76 27 Square Miles
74 82 Miles of Township Roads
60 1832 No. Households
28 4767 Acres of Preserved Farmland
Weisenberg Township
© 2024 Weisenberg Township
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